The company due date of your BAS is the same date as a sole trader.
Your company BAS will now have a few taxes paid simultaneously. This can include:
As you are now a company, the bank accounts need to be reconciled to ensure all transactions have been taken up to calculate your BAS.
Sometimes you will pay for business expenses using your money (not the company's). You need to ensure you provide this information to the person preparing your BAS. You have paid GST on these expenses, claiming the extra CGT will reduce your BAS payable.
The PAYG Withholding is the tax you have deducted to pay yourself a
PAYG Instalment is the rate or amount the ATO will calculate for you.
Although not paid on your BAS, it is due at the end of the quarter, you will pay your superannuation, using a superannuation clearing house. Most software systems (eg Xero) have a superannuation clearing house.
At Key Tax Solutions we aim to provide you with advice when your business needs it, not just when you ask for it.
At Key Tax Solutions we are committed to forming close partnerships with our clients, enabling us to understand your unique situation and customise the assistance we provide to suit your requirements.
At Key Tax Solutions we offer a full range of free, easy to use, online resources.