Even though you might be the sole Director and Shareholder of the company. The money in the company bank account is not yours to do what you want. There are tax consequences.
Getting money out of the company bank account with the least amount of tax payable is the challenge. Some of the options are:
Directors Loans:
When you borrow money from the company you are required to have a loan agreement with the company. This is known as a Division 7A loan. The ATO has a deemed interest you are to charge. This interest is income to the company however not tax-deductible to the individual. This is not a good option.
At Key Tax Solutions we aim to provide you with advice when your business needs it, not just when you ask for it.
At Key Tax Solutions we are committed to forming close partnerships with our clients, enabling us to understand your unique situation and customise the assistance we provide to suit your requirements.
At Key Tax Solutions we offer a full range of free, easy to use, online resources.