Trying to find a high-quality and useful site on the web can often be a time consuming experience. To save you the trouble we have compiled a list of websites that we have found to be valuable sources of information. Clicking on the link will open a new window for you.
Australian Tax Office
ATO Website
ABN Registration
TFN Registration
GST Registration
Fringe Benefits Tax Registration (FBT)
Payroll Tax Registration
Pay As You Go (PAYG)
Succession Planning
Transferring Ownership
Insolvency & Trustee Service
Selling Your Business
Selling Your Business
Note: The websites links provided on this page are for general interest only. We do not endorse any products and services offered by the websites listed on this page.
At Key Tax Solutions we aim to provide you with advice when your business needs it, not just when you ask for it.
At Key Tax Solutions we are committed to forming close partnerships with our clients, enabling us to understand your unique situation and customise the assistance we provide to suit your requirements.
At Key Tax Solutions we offer a full range of free, easy to use, online resources.