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The first 10 months have passed for the financial year. If you are like most of my clients you paid no tax last year, thanks to a lot of the government Covid kickbacks. Tax-Free cash flow boost was real winner for all businesses and writing off your motor vehicles purchases 100% really increased your tax deductions.
In 2021 FY most of the JobKeeper benefits were received. Many businesses had a 2-4 blip in March & April 2020. However afterwards a lot returned to normal trading and some even increased business, i.e. trades, lots of home renovations last year. Some are having their business profit in years or ever.
Now is the time for tax planning for 2021. Review to see what potential tax deductions you can bring forward, purchase some assets you will need and look into extra super to name a few. Plan now, the tax savings are worth the investment. Everyone loves to minimise their tax! Why not you?
At Key Tax Solutions we aim to provide you with advice when your business needs it, not just when you ask for it.
At Key Tax Solutions we are committed to forming close partnerships with our clients, enabling us to understand your unique situation and customise the assistance we provide to suit your requirements.
At Key Tax Solutions we offer a full range of free, easy to use, online resources.